Architetto, Professore Associato presso il Dipartimento di Architettura di Ferrara
L’articolo illustra il progetto di recupero e rifunzionalizzazione di un complesso storico: il vecchio Mulino Pastificio della città di Nuragus in Sardegna, da tempo dismesso ma che in passato ha rappresentato il principale nucleo produttivo a carattere industriale dell’abitato e che è da sempre un’importante emergenza architettonica della cittadina. Attraverso lo studio accurato dei manufatti esistenti, la proposta intende riportare il complesso al centro della vita del paese, conferendogli la funzione di nuovo centro di produzione, conservazione e valorizzazione dell’identità, della cultura, delle tradizioni e dei prodotti del luogo.
The article illustrates the renovation and recovery project of an historic complex: the old mill in the city of Nuragus in Sardinia, long abandoned, but that in the past has been the main production unit of an industrial up area and that has always an important architectural emergency town. Through careful study of the existing buildings, the proposal seeks to bring the complex in the center of the life of the country, giving it the function of the new center of production, conservation and exploitation identity, culture, traditions and local products.
The project aims, through a careful study of the structures, the recovery and valorization of the existing buildings, giving the complex function of the new center of production, conservation and enhancement of identity, culture, traditions and local products, that becomes the center of village life. New features in the museum space of contact, citizen forums, arena, atelier, laboratory serving the community and open to visitors: heterogeneous activities can collect, preserve and make known the peculiar aspects of the territory.
The main courtyard of the complex, between the old and the most recent core of the mill, turned into the public square, that can host small events such as theater, music and dance room, outdoor screenings, seasonal markets, meetings and conferences. The building of the 'new mill', a true urban landmark, is converted into a museum of the area, the center of tourism promotion and laboratory for the arts and traditions, with spaces exhibition and multipurpose spaces open to different municipal and social activities. The building of the 'old mill' becomes the center for the promotion of typical food of the area, another strength point of the local culture, through experimental exposure of the raw materials of the earth in the small green courtyards that surround it, and transforming the 'building into a bar - restaurant with adjoining kitchen laboratory for preparation and tasting of products and dishes.
The project consciously mediate the maintenance of the architectural values and identity of its pre-existence with the transformation of the building towards its new function as a cultural center. The principal bearing structures were recovered, preserving the original spatial articulation, and removing the incongruous and not recoverable structures.