Architetto, tirocinio formativo presso Leonardo SrL
Il sisma emiliano è stato un’occasione importante per l’analisi e lo studio di una strategia progettuale atta al recupero, ripristino e ricostruzione in chiave sostenibile di un’unità minima d’intervento nel comune di Concordia sulla Secchia in provincia di Modena. Il progetto vuole affrontare il duplice aspetto della riqualificazione energetica e della necessità conservativa dell’edilizia storica.
La strategia progettuale è stata perciò supportata dall’applicazione del protocollo GBC Historic Building, per la certificazione volontaria del livello di sostenibilità degli interventi di conservazione, riqualificazione, recupero e integrazione di edifici storici con diverse destinazioni d’uso.
Owing to the earthquake in Emilia Romagna on 20 and 29 May 2012, the historic center of Concordia on the Secchia, a small city near Modena, has been heavely damaged. Our project will try to respond to this urgent problem that the authorities is facing: the reconstruction of the historic center.
Here we want to briefly describe a project that concerns the dual aspect of upgrading energy and conservation of historic buildings. This is a much discussed issue in the current debate, especially after the catastrophic earthquake of 2012. The means of communication of the two areas was the GBC Historic BuildingTM Protocol, a protocol of voluntary certification of the level of sustainability of conservation, rehabilitation, recovery and integration of historic buildings with different uses.
The first fondamental operation was an analysis of the project area, infact, the theme of reconstruction required a historical-critical cognitive approach, this is an essential element to know the distributive, structural and linguistic character, that have characterized the evolutionary processes of the historical aggregate. The aggregate nature of the historic fabric requires that interventions consider the totality of the building and not the individual units.
We have identified the Minimum Intervention Unit (UMI), necessarily taking account of the typological, architectural and landscape characteristics of the historic fabrics.
We considered a UMI to be recovered through a unified design that has considered aspects of restoration, structural and Energy.
The seismic events have revealed the fragility of historic centers, bringing to light the structural weaknesses such as: poor mechanical quality of the walls, the lack of connection between the structural elements, the almost total lack of transverse walls, building interventions restructuring incongruous to the historic building; issues recorded the entire building fabric.
Our project proposal also wants to find a solution to the processes of depopulation of the historic center, re-evaluating the units and the use of interior spaces in order to meet the needs of the current housing market. We have designed a new volume to give formal unity to the central volume, using a web of bricks in the facade of the building, contemporary reinterpretation of a typical element of rural buildings in the area.