Architetto, collaboratore alla didattica in Restauro Architettonico presso l'università IUAV di Venezia-Dipartimento Costruzione Conservazione (DACC), svolge la libera professione
L’articolo illustra il progetto di conservazione e riuso di Villa Correr Pisani, un complesso di fondazione seicentesca interessato da reiterati cambiamenti di proprietà che hanno portato a notevoli trasformazioni costruttive nonchè variazioni d'uso. Tuttavia l’affascinante salone affrescato, gli stemmi delle grandi famiglie veneziane dei Correr e dei Pisani che spiccavano sui fronti del corpo centrale e il paesaggio storico -naturalistico in cui si inserisce, hanno tenuto sempre vivo l’interesse da parte della comunità verso questa architettura.
Il progetto prevede la valorizzazione del complesso mediante la realizzazione di uno spazio museale, proponendo una nuova lettura dei fabbricati ed inserendo nuovi dispositivi per il consolidamento delle strutture, minimizzandone le integrazioni e avendo come obiettivo finale la sua conservazione.
Villa Correr Pisani was built next to the Montello hill and is located near the historic centre of Montebelluna. This historic building has been developed since the mid-sixteenth century and it represented one of the largest Venetian family residences on the mainland.
At the moment, unfortunately, the building appears almost abandoned, trapped and relegated to a marginal urban environment. Moreover, the fragmentation of spaces and the many changes made in the past, make it impossible to use without an appropriate intervention. This means taking into consideration the historical importance of this building, the design choices should be guided by architectural knowledge, from it's material analysis and construction system, to see how the architecture has responded to the time changes and it's crucial to understand what the best intervention strategy is to safeguard its integrity. It's on this footing that the idea of knowledge is introduced as a tool for intervention, becoming a common thread among the consolidation operation, material conservation and the recovery of lost knowledge in how the spaces were put to use. The executive definition of detail allows the maintaining of integration between the existing structures and the proposed work of the project; this is the moment where everything comes together. The object is to maximise conservation of history and the identity of the building while minimising contemporary interference.