Architetto, Dottore di Ricerca in Tecnologia dell’Architettura e docente a contratto presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Membro del Laboratorio di Restauro Architettonico – Labo.R.A. e Referente Scientifico
La definizione di strategie multidisciplinari per il recupero e la ricostruzione di aggregati di edilizia pre-industriale fornisce l’opportunità di orientare lo sguardo verso nuovi – o ritrovati – principi di sostenibilità, anche in contesti, come quelli delle aree colpite da sisma, in cui l’intervento diventa una chiave fondamentale per la rinascita di contesti socio-culturali fortemente compromessi. Green Building Council Italia si sta muovendo all’interno di tale contesto per definire un protocollo di certificazione volontaria del livello di sostenibilità degli interventi di conservazione, manutenzione, recupero ed integrazione di manufatti pre-industriali.
Sustainability is an issue already well established for new construction that requires, in a refurbishment context, a higher awareness of its complexity and needs a powerful alignment of multiple operators at different levels. This complexity has so far been addressed by the specialist point of view and through intensive research that has contributed to a progressive in depth analysis of numerous aspects, limited, however, to individual disciplines. It is instead more and more important to work toward an interdisciplinary perspective because the analytical research may often lose the sight of the whole theme. Within a logic of sustainability, it will also be necessary to develop a project that should be in close relationship with the testimony of the historical built heritage and not in conflict with it, thus not compromising the its real wealth and potential. If “sustainable development the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, the keeping the “potential” for the benefit of future generations must be read, in this case, in multiple interdependent dimensions: ecological, social and, above all, economic and cultural. This declination, culture, becomes a new - or already rediscovered - sustainability paradigm, orienting the building process towards the protection and promotion of all its previous expressions. Activities related to conservation and restoration of historic buildings become sustainable actions and, therefore, can be measured using tools and methods of this context.
Green Building Council Italia is moving within this complex cultural context. The actual main goal, developed through an interdisciplinary working group that brings together universities, research centres and leading companies in the construction sector, is the establishment of a voluntary certification protocol aimed at evaluating the sustainability level of conservation, refurbishment and integration processes in pre-industrial buildings. This innovative tool is based on the comparison and union of two different cultures: the sustainability criteria of the LEED® protocols and the wealth of knowledge of the restoration world. The different disciplines have significant similarities and affinities, associated in particular with the ultimate goals of identification, enhancement and transmission to the future generations of the cultural heritage in its physical expression and its aesthetic dimension.