Architetto, Dottore di Ricerca in Tecnologia dell’Architettura, ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Ferrara, afferisce ai centri dipartimentali LEM (Laboratory of research on Estate & environment Management) e A<E Architettura Energia
L’articolo illustra il progetto di recupero e rifunzionalizzazione di teatro Severi, costruito nell’800 con una pregevole facciata novecentesca con stilemi liberty. Dopo anni di sottoutilizzo e progressivo degrado il Teatro ha visto una nuova luce con un programma funzionale che porterà ad un completo recupero inserendo diverse attività per garantire continuità nella fruizione con il coinvolgimento di vari soggetti sia pubblici che privati ospitando, oltre al teatro vero e proprio, sale riunioni da 20 a 100 posti sedi di associazioni e luoghi espositivi.
The article illustrates the renovation and conversion project of the Severi Theater, built in 800 with a remarkable façade with twentieth-century art nouveau styles. After years of underuse and progressive degradation Theatre has seen a new light with a functional program that will lead to a full recovery by installing different activities to ensure continuity in the enjoyment with the involvement of various actors in both public and private hosting, in addition to real theater, meeting rooms from 20 to 100 seats headquarters of associations and exhibition venues.
The intervention was designed and directed between 2009 and 2012 by bc studio architects Ilaria Bizzo and Stefano Cornacchini, young professional and family partnership - the two technicians are in fact married- active throughout northern Italy. The assumption of the designers was simple and radical: to valorize the real valuable elements and replace all incongruous layers of artifacts and finishes with new elements. The building is then detected with maniacal precision, consolidated and reintegrated into its outer box, especially the nouveau facade, and internally redefined to make it accessible and efficient to modern standards.
The restoration project reflects the desire to redevelop the building by inserting different functions, compatible with each other and, at the same time, independent of each other. The intervention strategy involves the insertion of independent blocks from each other and from the original building: the approach can therefore be summarized in "building built in" strategy that favors independence, recognition of enhancement interventions and inclusion of new functions in respect of the pre-existence, without altering the story but at the same time adapting the building to new needs and giving a new life.
The intervention is implemented in batches, and consists in a common area on the ground floor used as a foyer and temporary exhibitions, a toilet block for the public, a hall with 40 seats and a 100 tthat can be merged by means of moveable panels. On the first floor, not yet completed, will place the headquarters of the cultural associations of the territory, a new block of services for operators and two meeting rooms. These last two areas will be opened to the 100-seat hall, constituting, in fact, a gallery. Also this rooms can change configuration by the use of moveable panels becoming, when necessary, offices or gallery of the theatre. A special mention to the restauration of the liberty façade that was minutely cleaned by hand and intergated un the missing parts with compatible resins.

L’articolo illustra il progetto per il recupero dell’ex Istituto Righi, un complesso edilizio situato nel nucleo storico di Faenza, in nuova sede della Caritas. Il restauro ha interessato parte della vasta area del complesso, da tempo abbandonata, attraverso un accurato lavoro strutturale ed architettonico, una profonda revisione degli spazi interni e la creazione di nuovi blocchi scala. Vista la rilevanza storica del fabbricato, che riunisce corpi di fabbrica realizzati dal ‘500 al ‘700, la ri-funzionalizzazione ed adeguamento sismico del complesso è stata occasione per confrontarsi con la stratificazione storica dei prospetti.
The article describes the project for the restoration of the Righi Institute, a building complex located in the old town of Faenza, in the new Caritas headquarters. The restoration involved part of the large area of the complex, long abandoned, through an accurate structural and architectural project, an important overhaul of the interior spaces and the creation of new stairwells. Given the historical importance of the building, which brings together buildings from ' 500 to ' 700 , the re - functionalization and seismic upgrading of the complex was an opportunity to confront the historical stratification of the façades.
The building was initially Convent of Dominican nuns of St. Cecilia, established in 1515. Following the Napoleonic occupation, on 1 August 1798 it was decreed the dissolution of the wealthy monastery, and from that moment began a period of changes and alterations by private (residence) and public (school) use.
From March 1945 to May 1946, the Institute Righi was the seat of a community’s dining-hall, and at the same time were carried out the first urgent renovations. Other major works were carried out in 1950, especially in the guesthouse and concierge. Even after the building was subject to a significant modernization effort, which, however, has virtually eliminated almost all traces of the old appearance of the premises.
Despite all these efforts, the gradual emergence of the secular mindset in recent decades has led to the gradual decline of the Institute, and the closure of the various educational departments. In early 2002, the Sisters also went away, leaving the building partially abandoned and partially in use for a Cooperative and the parish of the Cathedral.
The restoration project involved two different parts of the building complex both in disuse: a two - levels building (building A) originally used as a day center overlooking Via d'Azzo Ubaldini, which can hold both a counseling center run by Caritas has two apartments, and a wing on three levels (building B) defining the great rear courtyard, inside of which they will be made to first -aid.
Despite the importance of the necessary structural interventions, none of the wooden elements has been replaced and even removed, only to be relocated from headquarters. The strategy was to complement, support and substitute the beams with metal implants to solve the inadequacy of the sections, the lack of effective constraints and the chemical-physical decay of the wood.

La residenza collettiva auto-organizzata (CSO) è un processo emergente ed in continua crescita in tutta Europa, sia per la costruzione che per l'adeguamento di quartieri residenziali verso l’ elevata efficienza energetica. La ricerca europea PROFICIENT (7FP 2012-2016) mira a creare nuove opportunità di business per le PMI nel settore delle costruzioni sfruttando un nuovo processo costruttivo per sensibilizzare ad una maggiore sostenibilità nell’attività edilizia ed aumentare la capacità di auto-gestione della società.
Collective Self-Organised (CSO) housing for constructing and retrofitting energy-efficient residential districts is a newly emerging process that is growing in al lover Europe. The European research Proficient (FP7 2012-2016) aims to create large business opportunities for SMEs in the construction sector by exploiting a new housing process to raise awareness towards sustainability and increasing self-managing capability of European society.

L’articolo illustra il progetto di recupero e rifunzionalizzazione di un complesso storico: il vecchio Mulino Pastificio della città di Nuragus in Sardegna, da tempo dismesso ma che in passato ha rappresentato il principale nucleo produttivo a carattere industriale dell’abitato e che è da sempre un’importante emergenza architettonica della cittadina. Attraverso lo studio accurato dei manufatti esistenti, la proposta intende riportare il complesso al centro della vita del paese, conferendogli la funzione di nuovo centro di produzione, conservazione e valorizzazione dell’identità, della cultura, delle tradizioni e dei prodotti del luogo.
The article illustrates the renovation and recovery project of an historic complex: the old mill in the city of Nuragus in Sardinia, long abandoned, but that in the past has been the main production unit of an industrial up area and that has always an important architectural emergency town. Through careful study of the existing buildings, the proposal seeks to bring the complex in the center of the life of the country, giving it the function of the new center of production, conservation and exploitation identity, culture, traditions and local products.
The project aims, through a careful study of the structures, the recovery and valorization of the existing buildings, giving the complex function of the new center of production, conservation and enhancement of identity, culture, traditions and local products, that becomes the center of village life. New features in the museum space of contact, citizen forums, arena, atelier, laboratory serving the community and open to visitors: heterogeneous activities can collect, preserve and make known the peculiar aspects of the territory.
The main courtyard of the complex, between the old and the most recent core of the mill, turned into the public square, that can host small events such as theater, music and dance room, outdoor screenings, seasonal markets, meetings and conferences. The building of the 'new mill', a true urban landmark, is converted into a museum of the area, the center of tourism promotion and laboratory for the arts and traditions, with spaces exhibition and multipurpose spaces open to different municipal and social activities. The building of the 'old mill' becomes the center for the promotion of typical food of the area, another strength point of the local culture, through experimental exposure of the raw materials of the earth in the small green courtyards that surround it, and transforming the 'building into a bar - restaurant with adjoining kitchen laboratory for preparation and tasting of products and dishes.
The project consciously mediate the maintenance of the architectural values and identity of its pre-existence with the transformation of the building towards its new function as a cultural center. The principal bearing structures were recovered, preserving the original spatial articulation, and removing the incongruous and not recoverable structures.

L’articolo illustra il progetto per la realizzazione di un Centro Velico presso l’Isola dell’Asinara, classificatosi secondo al Concorso finalizzato alla valorizzazione dei beni di proprietà della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, bandito dall’ Agenzia Conservatoria delle Coste Regione Autonoma della Sardegna. Il progetto è caratterizzato da quattro ambiti di intervento, identificati in base a diverse destinazioni d’uso: centro-velico, foresteria-ristorante, la marina, le opere a mare. Sono state inoltre definite delle linee guida per il progetto di recupero e valorizzazione del paesaggio circostante, ad esempio i terrazzamenti e le aree un tempo utilizzate per il pascolo, l’area adibita a vigneto.
The article explains the project to build a sailing center at the Asinara Island, second in the competition for the valorization of cultural heritage owned by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia. The project has four areas of intervention identified according to different purposes: the sailing-center, the guest house and restaurant, the marina, the sea works. Were also defined the guidelines for the project of restoration and enhancement of the landscape, such as terracing and the areas once used for grazing, the area used as a vineyard.
The prison of Trabuccato was founded in the early ‘900 on earlier dating back to 1889 healthcare facilities, during the transformation of the island, until then inhabited by shepherds and farmers, in a penal colony and healthcare facility.
The main purpose of the project, who finished second in the competition sponsored by the Region of Sardinia, is the valorization of the existing structures, their stratification and heterogeneity, first of all by inserting the complex of Trabuccato in a larger system that comprehends prisons and other complex built on the island, already restored and revitalized, and then to intervene with integrated solutions on the landscape and within the existing structures.
The project focuses on the connection between the different parts of the prison complex, and with the spaces of this coast. There are four areas of intervention identified in accordance with the intended uses:
- the sailing center, built within the existing building of the former branch prison;
- the guesthouse and restaurant, hosted by buildings formerly occupied by the barracks and the housing agents;
- the dry marina workshops, located in the area east of the prison and in the former animal shelter;
- the marina, located at the old hauling to the east not far from the route.
The project comprehends these spaces, bringing to light the existing tracks and using them as 'guidelines' for new interventions, aimed in particular at enhancing the mutual connection and with the landscape. The project tries to keep intact as much as possible the reading of the original areas by choosing to characterize compatible features and minimum impact on the existing buildings and spaces and, at the same time to revitalize and improve by considering technical and energy efficiency requirements.

L’articolo esamina l’intervento di ristrutturazione edilizia di una unità abitativa situata in prossimità del centro storico di Ferrara, a poca distanza del ramo del Po di Volano che delimita la zona sud del centro cittadino. Scelte costruttive ed architettoniche di elevato livello caratterizzano questo intervento di energy retrofit in una progettazione integrata in grado di far rivivere un organismo edilizio ormai obsoleto, in attuazione delle politiche di contenimento dei consumi energetici promulgate nel 2008 dalla regione Emilia Romagna.
The article examines the intervention of a building retrofit of a housing unit located near the historic center of Ferrara, a short distance of the river Po that marks the south area of the city center. The intervention is characterized by high level constructive choices and architectural features of energy in an integrated design that can revitalize an obsolete building structure, in compliance with the new energy policies promulgated in 2008 by the Emilia Romagna region. The main objectives through which we can correct the course of a senseless constructive policy that has profoundly deteriorated the urban environment are: primarily innovation, in order to realize a strong transformation of the design and construction practices, and the safety in an area as fragile as at risk when you consider that 60% of the buildings with predominantly residential use was carried out before the introduction of the earthquake law of 1974. The design solutions are oriented, as well as to the most livability and usability of the spaces, to the optimization of technical solutions in the direction of the maximum energy efficiency. In parallel several operations aimed at improving the performance in relation to the occurrence of the seismic event were realized. The inner bearing walls (one brick) have been reinforced and doubled through a cross configuration of structural stiffening.
The intervention on the building envelope system is radical and involves the complete replacement of the heating, distribution and regulation system, and the improvement of the building envelope, with thermal transmittance upgraded to limits more restrictive than those imposed by the regional regulations. This allowed to achieve an excellent result, mainly considering that the achievement of Class A is very difficult just because of the constraints to which, necessarily, a refurbishment project must comply with.
The use of renewable energies is fundamental in order to obtain the highest energy efficiency class, besides of a high-performing envelope. The production of hot water is for the most part by means of solar collectors placed on the east slope. It has been also installed an integrated photovoltaic system 6.9kWp on the slope roof.